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Mig33 v4.62
(latest official version)
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Mig33 Official Versions (13)


We recommend you download the current version (v4.6).
If your download fails, please try this link instead.

For Android users, you can try our Android version 3.1 Beta

For BlackBerry users, you can try our BlackBerry version 5.0 Alpha

Or, you can download any of the following versions:
Our previous version (v4.20)
Our lite version for older but capable phones (MIDP 1.0)

For other versions (including Android, JAVA, BlackBerry and Windows Mobile), please click here.

Download - All


mig33 version 4.6
4.6 is our latest version. It includes the full mobile feature set and is compatible with phones running on Java MIDP 2.0 and above.(jad / jar)

mig33 version 4.6 (For Touch Phones)
4.6 (For Touch Phones) is our latest version for touch enabled feature phones. It includes the full mobile feature set and is compatible with phones running on Java MIDP 2.0 and above.(jad / jar)

mig33 version 4.5
4.5 was our last stable build with the full mobile feature set. This is compatible on phones with Java MIDP 2.0 and above.(jad / jar)

mig33 version 4.3
4.3 is a beta version. This is compatible on phones with Java MIDP 2.0 and above.(jad / jar)

mig33 version 4.2
This version has a reduced mobile feature set and is compatible on phones with Java MIDP 2.0 and above.(jad / jar)

mig33 version 3.08
3.08 has a reduced mobile feature set and is compatible with phones with Java MIDP 2.0 and above. (jad / jar)

mig33 version 3.02 lite
3.02 lite has a reduced mobile feature set (for example no photo sharing or user profiles). Generally this is compatible with phones that are Java MIDP 1.0 and above. (jad / jar)


mig33 Android version 3.1 Beta
The latest mig33 Android client is simple to use with our easy swipe technology. It's FASTer, more FUN, and definitely more SOCIAL! With this app, you'll have the biggest party in the world, right on your phone! (apk)

mig33 Android version 3.02.2
mig33 - the largest mobile social community now on Android. The one free app with the best social aggregator, entertainment and fun social gaming. (apk)


mig33 version 5.0 Alpha for Blackberry
5.0 is our latest Blackberry client version. It includes integration with miniblog and runs on OS5, OS6, and OS7 devices. (jad)

Test drive version 4.1 on BlackBerry
4.1 client is in beta release on BlackBerry. Most Pearl, Curve, Bold, and 8800 series are supported. (jad)

mig33 version 3.06 betaII for Blackberry 8700/7290
3.06 betaII for Blackberry 8700/7290 has all the very latest mig33 features. This is only compatible with BlackBerry 8700 and 7290. (jad)

mig33 version 3.06 betaII for Blackberry 8100/8300/8800
3.06 betaII for Blackberry 8100/8300/8800 has all the very latest mig33 features. This is only compatible with BlackBerry 8100, 8300 and 8800 series. (jad)

Windows Mobile

mig33 version 3.06 for Windows Mobile 5.0 Smartphone
3.06 for Windows Mobile 5.0 Smartphone is for windows mobile version 5.0 Smartphones. This phone normally does not have touch screen capability. (CAB)

mig33 version 3.06 for Windows Mobile 5.0 PocketPC
3.06 for Windows Mobile 5.0 PocketPC is for windows mobile version 5.0 PocketPC. This phone normally has touch screen capability. (CAB)

mig33 version 3.06 for Windows Mobile 6.0 Standard Edition
3.06 for Windows Mobile 6.0 Standard Edition is for windows mobile version 6.0 Standard Edition. This phone normally does not have touch screen and WiFi capability. (CAB)

mig33 version 3.06 for Windows Mobile 6.0 Standard Edition with WiFi
3.06 for Windows Mobile 6.0 Standard Edition with WiFi is for windows mobile version 6.0 Standard Edition. This phone normally does not have touch screen but with WiFi capability. (CAB)

mig33 version 3.06 for Windows Mobile 6.0 Professional Edition
3.06 for Windows Mobile 6.0 Professional Edition is for windows mobile version 6.0 Professional Edition. This phone normally has touch screen but no WiFi capability. (CAB)

mig33 version 3.06 for Windows Mobile 6.0 Professional Edition with WiFi
3.06 for Windows Mobile 6.0 Professional Edition with WiFi is for windows mobile version 6.0 Professional Edition. This phone normally has touch screen and WiFi capability. (CAB)

