What are Gift Commands and where can I use them?
Users can now send gifts easier through new gift chat commands from the convenience of their Chat Rooms.
Who can use Gift Commands?
ANYONE! All our users can use these gift commands.
Can I still use the migStore?
Yes! Of course! The gift commands are only here to improve the experience of users when gifting from Chat Rooms. The migStore is still available for users who prefer to browse the gifts. On that note, the migStore experience has been vastly improved as well.
Detailed Gift Command List
This command is used to open up the list of all Gift Chat Commands
/gift list
This command is used to get a list of gifts you can send to your friends
/gift new
This command is used to get a list of newly added gifts
/gift featured
This command is used to get a list of featured gifts
/gift popular
This command is used to get a list of popular gifts
/gift recent
This command is used to get a list of gifts you have recently bought
/gift [username] [gift name]
This command is used to send a gift to your friends (example: /gift crazygrape hug).
/gift [username] [gift name] –m [message]
This command is used to send a gift to your friends with a message (example: /gift crazygrape hug –m How are you?)
/gift search [text]
This command is used to search for a gift (example: /gift search hug, returns Hug, Big Hug, Hug Coupon, etc)
/gift display [gift name]
This command is used to see the details about the item (name, price, rating and category)
/gift category
This command is used to get a list of all the categories under gifts
/gift category [category name]
This command is used to get a list of gifts under the category (example: /gift category Expressions)
/gift rate [gift name] [rating]
This command is used to rate an item (example: /gift rate Hug 5)
/gift gifts
This command is used to open up My Gifts page
/gift gifts [username]
This command is used to get a list of recently received gifts of the user
/gift all [gift name]
This command is used to send a gift to all the participants in the Chat Room (example: /gift all Big Kiss)
This command is used to open the list of all the Emotes and Chat Commands that mig33 has.
This command is used to open up the migStore.
New Group Chat Commands
What are Group Chat Room commands?
We are introducing these Group Chat Room commands to allow more fllexibility for Group owners and moderators to manage their groups via their Groups’ Linked Chat Rooms. Group Chat Room commands apply to ALL Groups.
Who can use Group Chat Room Commands?
You need to be either an owner or moderator of a Group to use these Commands.
Who can create Groups? How many Groups can I have?
You need to have migLevel 20 or above to create a Group. Different migLevels are allowed to create different number of Groups. The maximum number of Groups one can create is 20 and a user is allowed to join an unlimited number of Groups. For details, please see the table below.
Where can Group Owner and moderators use the Group Chat Room commands?
The Group Chat Room commands can be used in your own Group’s Chat Rooms, including the default lobby Chat Room and all linked Chat Rooms. Group Chat Room Commands cannot be used in Global Chat Rooms which are not linked to any Group.
What are Group Chat Rooms and how many Chat Rooms can you have?
When a Group Chat Rooms are rooms that are linked to your Group. Group owners and moderators can link their own Chat Rooms to the group. The number of Chat Rooms a Group can link is tied with the Group owner. The number of Group Chat Rooms that can be linked to a Group is determined by the owner’s migLevel. The group owner and all its moderators will automatically become admins and moderators of all its linked chatrooms. See below Table for details.
Who can become moderators in a Group? How many moderators can I have in my Group?
The owner can select and promote Group members to moderators. Users need to be at least migLevel 10 to be promoted as a moderator. Group moderators will help the owner manage and maintain the linked Chat Rooms, forum posts and other content in the Group. The number of moderators a Group can have is determined by the owner’s migLevel. See below Table for details.
Table A: migLevels and Group Benefits
Group Chat Room Commands
These are some Group Chat Room commands that Group owners and moderators can use to govern their Group-linked Chat Rooms.
/mute [username]
This command is used to mute a user in a Group-linked Chat Room. It will mute the specific user in the Group Chat Room. This mute will only apply to the particular Chat Room and will not affect the user’s ability to partake in other Chat Rooms or use other features in mig33.
/unmute [username]
This command is used to un-mute a user in a Group-linked Chat Room. It will un-mute the specific user in the Group Chat Room and allow user to partake in all activities in the Chat Room.
/silence [time]
This command is used to mute the entire Group-linked Chat Room. It turns on mute for all users in a Group Chat Room for [time] seconds, the minimum value for [time] is 30 seconds and maximum value is 600 seconds, if no [time] is given, the default value is 30 seconds. When a Chat Room is silenced, the Game bots still continue to run.
/kick [username]
This command is used to kick a user from a Group’s Chat Room, it results in a temporary suspension for one hour from all that particular Group’s linked Chat Rooms. During the suspension, the user should still able to login to mig33 and use other features or enter other Chat Rooms.
/ban [username] [reason]
This command is used to ban a user from a Group Chat Room. It results in the target user being banned from from the Group and all Chat Rooms linked with that particular group permanently. However, the banned user should still be able to login to mig33 and use other features or join other Groups.
/unban [username] [reason]
This command is used to unban a user from a Group. The unbanned user is allowed to join the Group and all the Chat Rooms in it linked with the particular Group.
/botstop ! [time]
This command stops all bots in the room and sets a timer that no bot can run for [time] seconds except for a bot that the owner or moderator sets up. [time] can be chosen between 120 to 3600. If no time is given, the bot will be stopped forever until the user uses “/bot” to bring the bot back.
This command locks a Chat Room, no one except the group owner or moderators can enter the room. The room will be locked as long as the owner or moderators are in it and it will be unlocked once the last moderator leaves the room.
This command unlocks a Chat Room.
/announce [message] [time]
This command starts an announcement that appears every [time] seconds in a Chat Room. A Chat Room can only display one announcement. [time] can be chosen between 120 to 2600 seconds. If no time is given, the announcement will only show upon login to the Chat Room. The announcement message is limited to 320 characters.
/announce off
This command turns off announcements in a Chat Room.
/broadcast [message]
This command broadcasts an announcement to all the users in all the linked Chat Rooms in a Group. The broadcast message is limited to 320 characters.
/description [description]
This command sets the description of the Chat Room to [description].
/invite [username]
When in a Chat Room which is owned by a Group, users can create an “invite” for a friend to join the Group. There is only one invite allowed for one friend per group.
Public Groups: This command can be used by the Group owner, moderator and all group members.
Private and By Approval Groups: This command can only be used by the Group owner and moderators.
Pvt Any User Who Got His Pvt Locked
2nd add any id..
for example i want to pvt crazygrape and his pvt locked.1st i will log in through mig lite and add any id..here i will add "prince_999" id.
3rd step, go to menu-->view details.
4th step: u will get option.."Display name" and "Mig33 Username"
change them with the target id and u are done..now i m able to pvt crazygrape when ever i want..his locked pvt cant stop me
in short go to view detail and change display name and mig33 username with target id.
1.login to http://www.mig33.com or http://wap.mig33.com
2.after logging in successfully open a new page in the browser..
3.paste URL in new tab :
4.then reset your avatar skin on the new page.![]()
2.tell one of your moderator to join in that group you linked the chat room
3. then promote that moderator in that group
4. then tell him/her to type >>>> /botstop ! <<<
5. bot will be blocked in that room... only that group moderators can bring bots in that room
6.now unlink the chat room
How to chat with a blocked user?
1. Enter any chatroom.
2. Go to menu and select 'private chat'
3. Then select 'insert username' option.
4. Enter the username you wanna chat with.
5. Now go to menu of private chat window then select 'add to chat' option and create a group chat.
6. Then you will be able to chat with the user.(remember that the user must be logged in mig33
1. Enter any chatroom.
2. Go to menu and select 'private chat'
3. Then select 'insert username' option.
4. Enter the username you wanna chat with.
5. Now go to menu of private chat window then select 'add to chat' option and create a group chat.
6. Then you will be able to chat with the user.(remember that the user must be logged in mig33
Tips for increasing mig level quickly.
1. Stay online with mig33 6hours daily.
2. Spend 1.5$usd by playing, gifting and other activities.
3. Exchange a lot of gift and like vote as you can.
4. Invite user to join in mig33.
5. Make your chatroom popular.
6. Stay several chatrooms at a times.
7. Receive and invite for private chat.
8. Add friends in your friendlist.
1. Stay online with mig33 6hours daily.
2. Spend 1.5$usd by playing, gifting and other activities.
3. Exchange a lot of gift and like vote as you can.
4. Invite user to join in mig33.
5. Make your chatroom popular.
6. Stay several chatrooms at a times.
7. Receive and invite for private chat.
8. Add friends in your friendlist.
Add Your Own ID
Decorate Your Profile With Script (updated)
Edit Your Profile Script
To set large picture:
1. Go to wap.mig33.com
2. Login with your id
3. Go to Profile > Edit Profile > Photos Page > More Actions (of your desired picture)
4. Set as Profile Picture
5. Now in your address bar you will get a code like
6. Copy only this coloured part from address bar
7. Paste it in 'Set a big picture' box and will be like...